Delving Deeper into the Status of the BUIs

The Maumee AOC Advisory Committee recently formed numerous BUI-specific teams to examine the status of the Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) in a step-wise process. Teams have been busy meeting all summer and are working on delving deeper into data, the status of the BUI in the Maumee AOC, and what projects need to be implemented to make progress specific to fish habitat, terrestrial habitat, macro-invertebrates, fish diversity and abundance, & other indices of health of the waterways. The BUIs use Ohio’s specific indices and data to measure progress within the Beneficial Use Impairments and in such a geographically large and diverse Area of Concern the conditions of the waterways, terrestrial habitat, and wildlife can vary greatly from watershed to watershed. Teams will update the full committee in August and eventually make recommendations to the full committee on identified studies and/or projects necessary to improve each BUI by using the metrics it is measured against.