DMDS Version 2.0 – New Modules & Updated Data

The Maumee Area of Concern (AOC) has a useful tool to assist the Committee, federal and state agency partners, and other stakeholders working in the Maumee AOC towards restoring Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs). The Data Management and Delisting System, or DMDS for short, has been online since late 2014. Partners in the region can use this online tool to drill down into the status of the BUIs, the projects related to the BUIs, and some of the data used to assess the conditions in the rivers compared to the specific targets set in the AOC program. Partners for Clean Streams, Ohio EPA, and our contractor, The Davey Resource Group, have been working behind the scenes to add new features and keep the site continually working well in the ever changing world of browsers and digital platforms.

The DMDS Version 2.0 now includes a Charting module that allows users to graph some of the BUIs data and compare it against the targets. There are new and updated projects in the system and more administrative tools as well. An updated Help section is almost done and new data will be uploaded soon to further “crunch” impairments against targets to help narrow in on the struggling areas and to focus the restoration work moving forward. You can access the DMDS Version 2.0 through the tabs and navigation on this website. And rest assured, we are already hard at work on Version 2.5. Watch for that later this year!