Project Feature: Beach Improvements at Maumee Bay State Park

An photo of Blue Grass Island channel on the Maumee River.

Maumee Bay State Park is a 1,336-acre public recreation area on the shores of Lake Erie. In 2021, work began on the park’s inland lake swimming beach to address BUI 10: Beach Closings. Persistent, elevated fecal indicator bacteria frequently cause this beach to have an advisory posted against it being used for recreation. Studies showed the majority of this bacteria to be from waterfowl feces. The goal of this project is to deter nuisance waterfowl from using this beach and the other areas surrounding the inland lake through habitat modifications. This is the only management action remaining to address BUI 10 within the Maumee AOC.

Project objectives include stabilizing 850 feet of shoreline and planting 21 acres of pollinator and native grasses. Replacing turf grass with native plants will creatie a visual and physical barrier between the main lake shore and the inland swimming beach, to deter waterfowl from congregating.

Lowering bacteria from waterfowl feces on the beach reduces the likelihood of beach closings, increasing recreational opportunities for park visitors. This spring, project work continues with planting seed and controlling invasives.

To learn more about the status and trends for BUI 10, use the DMDS to view bacterial postings and algal toxin postings by year. The DMDS also has charts tracking Maumee Bay State Park beach advisory days per year.

This project is also featured in Beach and Wetland Improvements at Maumee Bay State Park on