Wildlife MAP Project Call-Out

Part of the MAAC’s outreach and education efforts for 2020 is focusing on publicizing project work that was completed or is being conducted as part of the BUI 14b (Wildlife Habitat) recommendations. As such, a suite of social media posts, informational “rack” cards, and video tours are being generated to spread the word regarding this […]

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Ohio Area of Concern Summit

Several MAAC members attended the 2020 Ohio Area of Concern Summit earlier this month. The event was held on March 6th, and hosted by Lorain County Metro Parks at their French Creek Nature Center. Program updates were shared by Lynn Garrity (Ohio Lake Erie Commission) and Kristen Isom (GLNPO-USEPA). After the general program updates, each […]

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Soon to be Released – MAAC Annual Report!

We are excited to share that work on the 2019 MAAC Annual Report has been underway for a couple of months and it is nearly ready for the presses (and digital release on the MAAC’s website resource page)! The Report will be updated each year to showcase progress made towards eventual AOC delisting. Please consider […]

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Biological BUI MAP Meetings – Voting Members

Voting members, please make sure that the following webinars and online meetings have also been added to your calendars. These discussions will help you become familiar with the proposed Biological BUI MAP materials and proposed projects prior to voting on April 30th. April 8th; 1:00-2:00pm (Zoom online meeting) – Maumee AOC BioMAP: Materials Explanation April […]

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Management Action Project Spotlight – Penn 7

There has been a lot progress made in funding and implementing the MAAC-recommended management action (MAP) projects for Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) 14b (Loss of Wildlife Habitat).  Since the list of projects were approved by Ohio EPA and US EPA in early 2018, 17 of the 20 projects have been fully funded, two are funded […]

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MAAC Member Openings

At this time, the MAAC is seeking applications for committee membership for 2020 – 2021. Multiple voting member positions are currently open, and there is no limit to the number of new Non-voting (resource) member seats. Voting members serve for two year terms, while non-voting members are appointed each year based on expressed interest. This […]

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Aquatic Beneficial Use Impairments – The Process

The MAAC subcommittee has been hard at work to identify Management Action Projects to address the aquatic Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs). These BUIs are as follows: BUI 3a: Degradation of Fish Populations BUI 6: Degradation of Benthos BUI14a: Loss of Fish Habitat Over the course of the last two years (2018-2019), professionals representing nonprofit groups, […]

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Maumee River Water Quality Cruise

On August 4th, approximately 45 Toledo-area residents boarded the Sandpiper boat near downtown Toledo to enjoy a scenic river cruise and learn more about local water quality issues and related solutions. Local experts were on hand to discuss many topics, including several projects being done in the Maumee AOC. Jenny Carter-Cornell (MAAC Chair), of Hull […]

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New and Improved DMDS 4.0 Ready for Use

DMDS 4.0 has officially been launched and is ready for use! This newest Data Management and Delisting System version provides additional enhancements to system functionality, specifically in three modules; Projects, BUI Status, and BUI Data Sources. The upgrades make it easier for users to search the database and tailor exported data tables (i.e. grids). Click here to visit […]

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Improved DMDS 3.0 Launched

The DMDS feature has been updated recently and DMDS 3.0 has officially been launched.  This new version increases functionality and ease for both admins and users.   DMDS 3.0 features several upgrades that give users more current and comprehensive information about Maumee AOC projects.  Click here to visit the new and improved DMDS web page.   New features include: improved mapping […]

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Upcoming BUI Workshop

The Maumee AOC Advisory Subcommittee on Fish Habitat and Benthos Recovery has been developing and detailing a list of future potential Management Action Projects (MAPs) to accelerate addressing issues within the Maumee AOC.  This workshop is intended to produce a list of recommended management actions for specific impairments for funding under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in […]

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MAAC Summer Tour Series: Project Videos

In case you missed it this summer, the MAAC has posted two videos from its eastern and western Maumee AOC tours in 2018.  Both tours focused on habitat restoration projects that were fast-tracked for funding through the MAAC.  Tim Schetter with Metroparks of the Toledo Area gave an overview of the Howard Marsh Phase II plans and took MAAC […]

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The Data Management and Delisting System (DMDS) was created by Partners for Clean Streams and the Ohio EPA for the purpose of optimal collaboration between partners and projects within the Maumee AOC and to focus work within the Area of Concern in those stream reaches that are most impaired.  This tool showcases conceptual, planning (needing funding), […]

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EPA’s Great Lakes AOC Conference

In late spring, several MAAC committee members attended the EPA’s Great Lakes AOC Conference in Sheboygan, Wisconsin held on May 16th and 17th.  Attendees got a tour of the past and ongoing restoration activities of the Sheboygan River AOC.  Later, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) program update was announced during the conference along with several Great […]

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Maumee AOC Tour Series

The Maumee Area of Concern Advisory Committee was invited on three tours this summer, highlighting restoration projects with different partners.  In August, MAAC members went on an Eastern Maumee AOC tour of projects focusing on addressing BUI 14b (loss of wildlife habitat).  This area is comprised of critical coastal wetlands and adjacent upland ecosystems.  There were four site […]

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Join the MAAC Committee!

MAAC is looking for new committee members for 2019-2020.  If you are interested in being a voting member of the Maumee Area of Concern Advisory Committee, please fill out and submit the application.  Deadline for applicants is midnight on Sunday, December 16th.

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