Ohio Area of Concern Summit

AOC LogoSeveral MAAC members attended the 2020 Ohio Area of Concern Summit earlier this month. The event was held on March 6th, and hosted by Lorain County Metro Parks at their French Creek Nature Center. Program updates were shared by Lynn Garrity (Ohio Lake Erie Commission) and Kristen Isom (GLNPO-USEPA). After the general program updates, each of the four Ohio AOCs (Maumee, Cuyahoga, Black, & Ashtabula) had the chance to share status updates and summaries of recent achievements and future goals. During the second half of the meeting, a break-out session was held during which committee members and facilitating organizations were able meet in small groups to share ideas, questions, and suggestions. Finally, the meeting concluded with a general Q&A session, where participants were able to pull on the group collective for answers to questions and/or concerns.