Third Annual Water Quality Boat Cruise

On Saturday, August 5th, over 60 individuals in the community gathered aboard the Sandpiper Boat in downtown Toledo to listen to discussion about issues affecting water quality in the Maumee watershed and the Area of Concern (AOC). Experts in water resources led discussion about various topics. Kris Patterson from Partners for Clean Streams, Jamie Kochensparger […]

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Friendly Reminders

MAAC Meeting: The next Maumee AOC committee Meeting will be held this October. The date, time, and location are not yet determined. Check out our Facebook page and the website for updates! Save the Date: The 2017 Clean Your Streams Day is scheduled for Saturday September 23rd! Partners for Clean Streams asks you to save […]

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A Sign of Improvement on the Ottawa River

In early April, the Ohio EPA announced the state’s updated guidelines for consuming fish caught from Ohio lakes, rivers, and streams. The do not eat advisories were lifted for all species in the Ottawa River and replaced with less strict recommendations. This is a sign of improved conditions in the Ottawa River.  During the official […]

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Clear Choices Clean Water Website Launch

The MAAC has partnered with Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG), City of Toledo, Wood County, and all other members of the Stormwater Coalition to launch the Greater Toledo Lake Erie, Clear Choices Clean Water campaign and website.  The campaign aims to increase awareness about everyday choices that have an impact on our streams […]

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MAAC Update

The Committee is searching for new restoration and improvement projects within the Maumee AOC by using the DMDS (Data Management and Delisting System).  The DMDS is accessible to the public on the MAAC website. If you would like to suggest a project idea to the Committee, attend this summer’s meeting, register for an account on […]

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Friendly Reminders

MAAC Meeting: The next Maumee AOC Committee Meeting will be this summer. The date, time, and location have yet to be determined. Check our Facebook page and website calendar for updates! Save the Date: The 2017 Clean Your Streams Day is scheduled for Saturday September 23rd! Partners for Clean Streams asks you to save the […]

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Friendly Reminders

MAAC Meeting: Join the Maumee AOC Committee on February 22nd, from 2:00-3:30pm, at the Erie St. Market for the first committee meeting of the year. We are excited to discuss plans for this upcoming year and any updates on current projects. Members of the community are welcome and encouraged to participate in this discussion. Any questions […]

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Completion of Hoag Street Rain Garden Project

In September 2016, TMACOG, with support from Partners for Clean Streams, the Lake Erie Protection Fund, and the MAAC, completed the Hoag Street Rain Garden project. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of repurposing urban areas into green stormwater features, like rain gardens.  The rain garden has reduced the […]

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Last Week to Register for Patch Day!

One week left to register for Partners for Clean Stream’s 15th Annual Youth Patch Day Workshop! The Workshop is on Sunday, March 5th 2017 from 1:30-4:30pm for children Kindergarten through 5th grade.  The cost is $5.00.  It will be held at the University of Toledo Student Union in the Ingman Room (#2520).  Check-in begins at […]

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Friendly Reminders

As we continue to grow our presence in the community, please share our website, Facebook page, Twitter account, and our new name with your colleagues. Also, forward this newsletter to colleagues, friends, or family who you know are interested in staying up-to-date with the status of the Maumee AOC. You could also direct them to […]

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Join the MAAC

Partners for Clean Streams, the MAAC’s facilitating organization, is currently seeking applications for MAAC membership for the 2017-2018 year. Memberships can either be voting or non-voting. Voting members must submit an application and serve two-year terms while non-voting members are appointed on an annual basis and do not need to submit a formal application. The […]

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Upcoming Event: Maumee AOC Summit

Mark your calendars for Thursday, December 8th, as the Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC) will be hosting their Annual Maumee AOC Summit from 9:30am to 12:30pm at the Ohio EPA Northwest District Office in Bowling Green, OH.  Throughout the morning, the Committee will discuss the current status of the Maumee AOC and the work being […]

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MAAC Applications Now Available

Ohio EPA and Partners for Clean Streams (PCS) re-established the local Maumee RAP Committee in 2015 with a fresh new name: Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC). The MAAC is a stand-alone committee that utilizes the guidance and support of PCS as the Maumee AOC Facilitating Organization. At this time, PCS is seeking applications for committee […]

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Cruise & Learn on the Sandpiper

This summer the MAAC sponsored a Water Quality Boat Cruise, co-hosted by Partners for Clean Streams and Lucas Soil & Water Conservation District. On August 6th, 78 passengers cruised up and down the Maumee River on the Sandpiper Boat for two hours, all the while listening and learning from local water quality experts. Discussion topics […]

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Partners for Clean Streams’ 20th Clean Your Streams

The MAAC facilitating organization, Partners for Clean Streams, has recently celebrated 20 years of an annual Clean Your Streams Day river cleanup. The river cleanup first started as a program under the RAP to address aesthetics in the Area of Concern. PCS adopted the program and continues its focus on aesthetics in the AOC. Each […]

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MAAC Progress Report

So far this year, the MAAC has been successful in addressing current challenges within the Area of Concern and identifying where work is still needed. A sub-committee of the MAAC worked extensively to develop a local target for one of the habitat BUIs, which was also recently approved by the Ohio EPA. In addition, projects […]

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Save the Date for the 20th Annual Clean Your Streams Day!

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Clean Your Streams Day! We look forward to celebrating 20 years of successfully removing debris from streams, riverbanks, and watersheds in Toledo and surrounding areas. Improving the aesthetics of the Area of Concern is one of the initiatives underway here. On the morning of September 17th, join hundreds […]

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DMDS Version 2.0 – New Modules & Updated Data

The Maumee Area of Concern (AOC) has a useful tool to assist the Committee, federal and state agency partners, and other stakeholders working in the Maumee AOC towards restoring Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs). The Data Management and Delisting System, or DMDS for short, has been online since late 2014. Partners in the region can use […]

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A Full Committee & a Full Plate

The Maumee AOC Advisory Committee begins 2016 with many new members. The Committee has 16 members, a full slate, from 4 different sectors in the community: Business & Industry, Education & Non-Profit Organizations, Government (local & county), and Public Citizens. Four Committee members continue in their second year, while five members from the 2015 Committee […]

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