Friendly Reminders

  • MAAC Meeting: Join the Maumee AOC Committee on February 22nd, from 2:00-3:30pm, at the Erie St. Market for the first committee meeting of the year. We are excited to discuss plans for this upcoming year and any updates on current projects. Members of the community are welcome and encouraged to participate in this discussion. Any questions about the MAAC or the committee meetings, contact Partners for Clean Streams at (419) 874-0727. 
  • Register for the AOC Conference: The Annual AOC Conference for 2017 will be held on March 29-30th in Grand Rapids, MI. This annual meeting of the various AOC communities in the Great Lakes region is an opportunity to discuss the work being done and to connect with other like-minded organizations around the Lakes.  New for this year’s conference is a poster session, where different organizations will present their recent work to colleagues in an informal manner. Wondering whether you should attend? Here is who the U.S. EPA suggests attends the Conference: representatives of local Public Advisory Councils; state agency AOC staff members; tribal agency AOC representatives; federal staff involved in the AOC program; other AOC stakeholders like consultants and academics with interest in the AOC program.  Registration is due by March 24th. The conference fee is $80. For more information and to register, click here