Project Feature: Stream Restoration at Lathrop Park

Starting in 2021, a stream restoration project was developed for Lathrop Park located in Berkey, Ohio. The proposed work for this project includes restoration of 0.75 acres of riparian buffer, stabilization of 600 feet of eroding streambank, creation/enhancement of 165 feet of riffle habitat, restoring a riffle-pool sequence across the site, and enhancing in-stream habitat with locked logs, rock, and native plantings. These efforts are to address BUI 6: Degradation of Benthos and BUI 14a: Loss of Fish Habitat.

Grant funding for this project was awarded through US EPA’s Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) to Ohio EPA. Partners for Clean Streams (PCS) was subawarded funding from Ohio EPA to assist in the engineering, design, and implementation of this project. As of April 2024, Katarina Kieffer has been appointed the new project lead for PCS as former Executive Director of PCS, Kris Patterson, has transitioned to a new role with the Ohio Lake Erie Commission.

PCS hired the Davey Resource Group (DRG) to collect data/survey the existing conditions, develop a final engineered design and obtain permits. All of which has been completed. Moving forward, DRG will be working with The Stanger Group to get construction underway during the summer of 2024. An initial round of tree and woody material removal was completed in March, as well as fact sheets and project FAQs mailed to Village of Berkey residents to inform them on the important work being done to the area. Invasive species control is also expected to be completed this Spring. The restoration elements of this project will enhance fish and benthic habitat by increasing stream shading, diversifying habitat elements, adding and enhancing riffle habitat, and by reducing bank erosion and subsequent siltation and embeddedness of stream substrate.

For more information, visit the Data Management & Delisting System (DMDS) page for this project: Stream Restoration at Lathrop Park (MAP HTC -12.2).