September Sandpiper Tour

Join the MAAC aboard the Sandpiper on Wednesday, September 26th from 2-4pm to hear from speakers working within the Maumee AOC.  Learn about the progress of current plans and potential projects for the mainstream Maumee River restoration in downtown Toledo.  Feel free to bring other partners or colleagues who would be interested in learning about […]

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4th Annual Water Quality Boat Cruise

Come cruise with us on the Maumee River! Partners for Clean Streams, the Maumee Area of Concern Advisory Committee (MAAC), and Lucas Soil and Water Conservation District, supported by a grant from Ohio EPA & US EPA GLRI, will be hosting an educational water quality boat cruise aboard the Sandpiper on Sunday, August 5th from 2-4pm.  We […]

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BUI Workshop

The Maumee AOC Advisory Committee has been working diligently to develop a Management Action Plan (MAP) list and work continues for summer and fall of 2018. MAPs provide detailed projects, as well as a timeline for each action. On May 8th, the Maumee AOC Subcommittee on Aquatic Habitat and Species led a Management Action Identification […]

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Ottawa River Contact Advisory Removal

Recently, the Toledo Lucas County Health Department held a press conference on the historic removal of the no-contact advisory from the Ottawa River. In 2011, the advisory was lifted for 17 miles of the western part of the Ottawa River. The lower 8.8 miles of the river from Stickney to Lagrange Street had remained under […]

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Toledo Lake Erie C3W

The Greater Toledo Lake Erie Clear Choices Clean Water campaign lets individuals play an active role in improving water quality in our region. The goal of this campaign is to increase community awareness of water quality issues and encourage actions that can address those issues. The interactive website allows users to take pledges in five […]

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AOC 101

In 1987, the Maumee Area of Concern was established following ordinances of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The US EPA and Ohio EPA determined the course of action necessary to improve water quality within the Maumee AOC. The Maumee RAP (Remedial Action Plan) Committee was thus formed through a collaborative effort between government agencies, […]

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About the DMDS

To learn more about the work and programs moving the Maumee Area of Concern forward, please review the DMDS tab.  The DMDS provides the status of current projects including conceptual, planning-stage, in-progress, completed, and ongoing.  It also offers the current status of the Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) for the Maumee AOC.  This tool is a […]

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MAAC Summit: Moved to the Summer

The annual Summit, usually held in December, will be re-invented as a field tour in the warmer months. This will allow the MAAC to showcase the many active or recently completed restoration projects going on in the Area of Concern. And who doesn’t like to get out of the office, too?

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Next MAAC Meeting

The next MAAC meeting will be held on December 14th at 9:30am. We will be meeting at the Toledo Metropark’s Fallen Timbers Visitor Center – 4949 N. Jerome Road in Maumee, OH. There are also sub-committee meetings if you are interesting in digging more deeply into a particular Beneficial Use Impairment.

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Join the Committee and Improve the Area of Concern

Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC) is currently accepting applications for voting committee members for the 2018 -2019 terms until Sunday, December 10th. If you are interested in becoming a member, please click here to download the application. New committee members will start in February 2018 for a two-year term. If you would like to be […]

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21st Clean Your Streams’ Impact on BUI

On Saturday, September 23rd, over 900 volunteers joined forces to clean the waterways of Northwest Ohio. Together, they removed over 23,000 pounds of trash, litter, and marine debris at 69 different sites. The volunteers covered 25.57 miles of riverbank, impacting the Swan Creek, Ottawa River, Maumee Bay tributaries, Maumee River, and several small watersheds. 94 […]

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Thank you to our Clean Your Streams 21 Volunteers!

On Saturday, September 23rd, we had the 21st Annual Clean Your Streams Day across northwest Ohio.  It was a great, sunny day of cleaning up our rivers and streams followed by an appreciation picnic for all volunteers.  A big thank you to the 910 volunteers who participated!  Overall, they cleaned at 69 sites (and one […]

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Application for new MAAC Committee Members

Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC) is currently accepting applications for voting committee members for the 2019 -2020 terms. If you are interested in becoming a member, please click here to download the application.  New committee members will start in February 2019 for a two-year term. If you would like to be involved but aren’t ready […]

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Clean Your Streams Registration is Closed

We’re sorry! Registration for the 21st Clean Your Streams Day is now closed. We appreciate your interest in volunteering for this year’s cleanup and hope you consider joining us next year! If you would still like to support Clean Your Streams, please consider donating through our GoFundMe page which will directly support future Clean Your Streams events. You can […]

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21st Clean Your Streams Day Registration is Now Open!

The 21st Annual Clean Your Streams Day is rapidly approaching!  Registration is now open and can be done through the Maumee AOC webpage.  Please help support this event and sign up now!  Registration will continue through September 18th and we invite all your friends, family, and co-workers join us in the biggest clean up of […]

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Clean Your Streams Day

On Saturday, September 23rd, the 21st Annual Clean Your Streams Day will take place across the greater Toledo metropolitan area. Every year, around a thousand volunteers gather together at various sites in the Area of Concern to remove the trash and debris from the waterways, improving the aesthetics and providing a better habitat in and […]

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Delving Deeper into the Status of the BUIs

The Maumee AOC Advisory Committee recently formed numerous BUI-specific teams to examine the status of the Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs) in a step-wise process. Teams have been busy meeting all summer and are working on delving deeper into data, the status of the BUI in the Maumee AOC, and what projects need to be implemented […]

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