Open House Invitation: Maumee River Habitat Restoration Ideas

Please Join Us! The Maumee AOC Advisory Committee (MAAC) is hosting a public open house to share design feature ideas intended to protect and enhance habitat at several island areas in the Maumee River and to seek public input. Thursday, October 28, 2021, 4:00 p.m. – 6: 30 p.m. Walbridge Park Picnic Pavilion 2761 Broadway […]

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AOC Achievements: Cuyahoga AOC

Easily the most famously known river in Ohio, the Cuyahoga AOC started its work in 1987 aiming to remove 9 BUI’s. In 2017 the first BUI was removed. Two years later in 2019, BUI 11 Degradation of Aesthetics was removed.  The focus for 2020 was BUI 3 Degradation of Fish and Wildlife Populations and BUI […]

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Project Highlight: Fox Property Restoration Unit

Primary BUI Addressed: BUI 14b: Loss of Wildlife Habitat Project Location: Fox Unit Property project adds to the network of complex ecosystems that provides critical wildlife habitat near Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge to enhance the coastal wetland corridor.  This 40-acre project is located directly across State Route 2 from the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Visitor […]

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AOC Achievements: Black River AOC

The Black River AOC was initially tasked with removing 9 Beneficial Use Impairments in 1987. In 2017 BUI # 1 Fish and Wildlife Consumption and BUI # 8 Eutrophication or Undesirable Algae were removed. In January 2021, BUI #11 Degradation of Aesthetics was removed by US EPA. BUI 7 Restrictions on Dredging Activities is also […]

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Project Highlight: Otter Creek Sediment Removal Project

After 20 years of extensive investigations of Otter Creek sediment, stream conditions, and ecological conditions, we are excited to share that the Otter Creek Project started last month. This project aims to reduce potential harm from exposure to chemicals accumulated in the sediment by reducing PAH and DRO exposure to organisms and ultimately reducing associated […]

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Sandhill Crane Wetland Highlight

Just north of the Toledo Express Airport lies Northwest Ohio’s biggest wet prairie restoration project to date. The goal is to have 280 acres of critical wetland and upland prairie restored through this project. In tandem with restoring this landscape for sandhill crane populations and other wildlife, this project aims to provide flood retention, groundwater […]

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MAAC 2020 Annual Report to be Released Soon!

We are excited to share that work on the 2020 MAAC Annual Report will be available soon! The Report will be updated each year to showcase progress made towards eventual AOC delisting. Please consider requesting copies of the Report to pass out at the next applicable meeting or conference that you attend and share the […]

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Maumee AOC Brochure

If you didn’t catch the announcements on social media, this one’s for you! A new Maumee AOC brochure was published in September and is available here and on the Maumee AOC resource page. This publication is geared for distribution (electronic and eventually hard copy) at conferences, outreach tables, and meetings, and will provide the reader […]

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2020 – In Review

The year 2020 has been a whirlwind of change in so many ways and on so many fronts, and the MAAC was no exception. Fortunately, it’s good news to report from our AOC and committee! Take a look at the list below for an overview of our accomplishments this year. Management Action Projects AquaMAPs – […]

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MAAC Voting Member Applications Open

The MAAC is currently seeking applications for committee membership for 2021 – 2022. Multiple voting member positions are currently open, and there is no limit to the number of new Non-voting (resource) member seats. Voting members serve for two year terms, while non-voting members are appointed each year based on expressed interest. This year, we […]

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Project Highlight – Oak Openings Priority Conservation Area

In keeping up momentum gained from sharing some recent MAAC-recommended project successes, we’ve got another highlight for you! Most, if not all of you are familiar with the Oak Openings Region, an area historically dominated by Oak savannas and wet prairies, and understand it’s ecological value. It is exciting to say that the MAAC works […]

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AquaMAP Project List Approval

Late July saw some much anticipated news come to the MAAC, as it was announced that the AquaMAP Project list was approved by U.S. EPA GLNPO. The 53 projects on this list were evaluated and conceptualized over several years by a dedicated subcommittee. These projects are located across the Maumee AOC and will address BUI […]

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Ohio EPA Video Release

Attendees of the August MAAC meeting got a sneak peek at an exciting video set to premiere in just a few weeks on October 7th. Benefiting our Community, Restoring our Waters, produced by Ohio EPA, includes great Maumee AOC scenic footage and interviews with individuals who represent various facets of the AOC program and its […]

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Tenmile Creek Riparian Corridor Restoration

In the Maumee AOC, we benefit from many local partners who work with us toward AOC goals; even using funding external to the AOC program. We are fortunate that when these “external” projects are closely aligned with a specific AOC impairment, many project leads provide the MAAC with information needed to consider the benefits of […]

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Management Action Project Spotlight – Toussaint Wildlife Area

Following an article last fall that summarized progress made on the MAAC-recommended management action (MAP) projects for Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) 14b (Loss of Wildlife Habitat), we are excited to spotlight another BUI 14b project. The Toussaint Marsh State Wildlife Area was an existing impounded wetland complex located near the town of Oak Harbor, roughly […]

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New Project Rack Cards!

We are glad to announce the availability of a new set of Maumee AOC informational materials. Three professionally designed ‘rack cards’ summarizing a suite of Wildlife Management Action Plan (MAP) projects were drafted this spring with help from many project partners. *A MAP is created for each AOC impairment (e.g., loss of wildlife habitat) and […]

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Oak Openings Conservation Area

Oak Openings Conservation Area: Four separate tracts of land (~30 acres) were restored to valuable quality Oak Openings habitat to provide protection for a number of threatened and endangered species and to create corridors between neighboring tracts of protected areas.

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